On June 1st, the TPPPA filed this amicus brief on behalf of its Membership. Although this case is directly related to the Collections industry, it has great significance to the TPPPA members and their customers, as it threatens to link the usage of third-party service providers to consumer data privacy. It is our belief that the court did not fully grasp the disastrous consequences that will flow from the Eleventh Circuit panel’s decision, regarding the use of third-party service providers, including third-party payment processors. We believe that the unique perspective of the TPPPA will help the court to understand the far-reaching implications of this case, beyond the use of third-party letter vendors, to the broader impact of prohibiting the use of third-party service providers’ expertise in safely and securely processing consumers’ data in sensitive consumer financial transactions. We hope to have the opportunity to argue this brief to appeal to the court to grant rehearing en banc.
The TPPPA is a national not-for-profit industry association that represents and promotes the interests of payment processors, banks, and merchants. Its basic mission is to support compliance efforts of third-party payment processors and banks in third-party payment transactions. The panel’s decision is of particular interest to the TPPPA because payment processors are vendors for merchants in every industry, including debt collection.
Click on the link to access the field brief: TPPPA Amicus Brief Filed – Hunstein Eleventh Circuit