Third Party Payment Processors Association


The TPPPA has established credible working relationships with regulators, rule makers and lawmakers, on a state and federal level, maintaining ongoing constructive dialog as the voice of our membership. We also represent the voice of the membership by responding to requests for comment in private sector and government rulemaking.

Third Party Payment Processors Association


The TPPPA has developed industry best practices for payment processing known as the TPPPA Compliance Management System (CMS). The CMS is a rigorous control framework that instills a disciplined approach to creating and maintaining a risk-based, documented compliance management program and demonstrable culture of compliance. The CMS control framework is routinely shared with state and federal regulators.

Third Party Payment Processors Association


The TPPPA provides ongoing support to its members through training, monthly member meetings, audits and consulting, phone and email support and providing compliance tools to support members in implementing and sustaining the CMS control framework. The CMS is an exclusive member benefit, and members can undergo an audit conducted by the TPPPA to certify their compliance with the CMS controls.

Welcome to the TPPPA

The Third Party Payment Processors Association (TPPPA) believes that organizations should be able to support any legal product, service or industry if these organizations can demonstrate that they have effective compliance management systems in place. 

Payment processing has changed dramatically over the past several years as more goods and services are sold and purchased online. Protecting consumers and detecting money laundering in this new reality has required state and federal regulators and lawmakers to update or create laws, rules and regulations at a rapid pace.  Complicating matters further is the mercurial nature of public policy on both a state and federal level, resulting in changes in laws and regulations or merely different interpretations of existing laws and regulations.  The combination of these conditions can leave your company feeling lost.

Third Party Payment Processors Association

The TPPPA was formed to provide companies a pathway to pursue the legal business opportunities of their choice.  We do this through advocacy, leadership and support on behalf of our members and the payments industry.

We encourage you to join the TPPPA.  Membership provides your company with tools, resources and ongoing support to navigate the ever-changing payments landscape.  It also provides you a home within a community of compliance-minded organizations that believe that companies with strong compliance management programs should be allowed to choose for themselves what kind of legal products, services and industries they wish to serve.

Marsha Jones